Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mastermind Networking Group

We are meeting tonight- October 27, in Orlando at Sip on Virginia Ave. at 6pm.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Learning about Copper

My father used to have a New Yorker cartoon by his desk. It pictured two men on a commuter train, in suits chatting. The one man says, “I’ve learned a lot in my life. Unfortunately it is all about copper.”

Most of us spend a career accumulating a lot of specialized knowledge in our jobs that doesn’t necessarily translate into daily life. I think my father liked this cartoon in particular because he had a friend who was head of the copper industry association. But to me it pointed out the unique nature of my chosen profession.

In the world of advertising and marketing we deal with many different industries and learn about the motivating factors behind many products and services. In spite of all the different “features and benefits” that are unique to each product, there are common threads at work in marketing all products and services. Tell me whom you want to talk to and what you want to say, and I can figure out the rest.

I have toured factories, stayed at luxury resorts, and even listened in on the help-line for pregnancy test kits. I have attended all kinds of focus groups including one for Metamucil users (this was conducted on behalf of a competitor). As a result, I gained access to the inner workings of many businesses and organizations. I learned the key features of their products and services and what motivates people to buy them.

But access into the inner workings of human beings is the real key to successful marketing. Understanding the basic motivations of people and the things that we all share is the basis of inspired marketing. I believe my sympathetic nature has aided me here. And as I have learned about the differences in all these companies, the thing that I find really amazing is the similarities. We all worry about the same things, take pride the same way, and even feel shame and guilt in similar ways. Pride is pride, joy is joy and sadness is sadness no matter what triggers it.

When we learn what triggers these emotions as related to the product or services we can create messages that motivate, inspire and sell. This isn’t done by boring the audience, or yelling at them or even trying to trick them. It is done with genuine communication about relevant issues.

So, I have learned a lot in my life. Fortunately it is all about people.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

May you and your family enjoy the things that truly important. I have much to be grateful for this year. It has been a year of dramatic changes both in the world and for me personally. I expect there are more changes to come. I take great comfort in my family and friends. We have buoyed each other up at times, but being together always puts a smile on my face. Enjoy the holidays!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Bad economy, or good opportunities

I think that there is a significant reorganization going on right now. Many old and established institutions are going away or diminishing in influence. This is the time when new ideas get their due. Unlike previous periods of upheaval, people are not as predisposed to look for comfort from tradition and past practices. Instead it is a time to try out new ideas. This is a time when people will look back and think “Wow, I wish I’d started a business back then.”